Faroes Open starts in one week
The preparations for the big chess tournament, Faroes Open, are now really on. The two local chess clubs from Kollafjørður and Sandavágur are behind the preparations, and so far everything is going very well.

The tournement takes place in beautiful surroundings in Kollafjørður
Today there is just one week until the start of the tournament. The tournament will be held in the local school in Kollafjørður and the first games will start at 2 p.m. local time on Wednesday the 12th of July.
29 players have signed up for the tournament so far, but the registration is still open and will be open until noon on Wednesday the 12th of July – that is just two hours prior to the start of the tournament. The organizers are hoping to get a few more registrations before the tournament starts.
Players can register here.